Thursday, August 04, 2005


My mother-in-law's name is Rosario. In Spanish, it means Rosary. The rosary has been in my thoughts, very heavily, for the last few days. I don't know why. Probably guilt for being such a slacker on praying it this summer. I'm sure I've only prayed the rosary a handful of times this year. This is a strange season of my heart as I used to pray the rosary daily, sometimes even praying more than one mystery---sometimes all the mysteries.

As a family, we used to pray it every night before bed in the evenings. During the week, it was our tradition to pray only one decade as the toddlers would get VERY restless and we were getting nowhere. We would pray the whole mystery on Fridays and Saturdays, in honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and The Immaculate Heart of Mary. This was good, and it worked very well for us. Now, I'm embarrassed to say that the little ones don't even know the prayers very well as it has been so hit and miss on our prayer time.

In today's Gospel, I could really relate to Peter when he questioned God and rebuked Him. I, too, have found myself asking, "Why God?" to some things. I'm very glad I have such a strong faith and can answer that question for myself, knowing "Thy will be done" and "not my will, but Yours." What do people of no faith do when these questions arise? How do they survive some days?

My resolution for today is to 1) Pray the Rosary with my family before the day is done and 2) remember to thank God for all his goodness.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rob and I pray the rosary at 10:15-10:30 every evening. We've missed a couple of days here and there, but we started in November and have been pretty good at it. Rocky doesn't have the patience and George just won't do it with us. We think Rocky will once he's older -- meaning, we'll make him. I have a problem with the meditations though, I can NEVER focus on the mysteries. It's like all I'm doing it repetitive prayer, which doesn't seem right, but I figure God appreciates my attempt.
Today is Friday. Think I'll go visit our Lord in the tabernacle for a few minutes, eh?

5:15 AM  
Blogger Lisa said...

Yes, me too. I'll take the kids to Benediction. Dean and I don't pray the rosary together, just us, anymore. Eight years ago, Sept. 15th, this is exactly what we did. We both wanted and were excited about a deeper prayer life, so we thought praying the rosary together would be a great start. So, as we lay in bed before going to sleep, we prayed our first rosary together. It was great and it felt so right to be praying as a couple, not just with the kids. That very same night, about 3am, I get a call from my aunt that my mom has died. She was only 44---I was 27---and had a brain bleed. Anyway, since then, we haven't prayed the rosary like that. It's either with the kids or in the car before a trip or such. I would love to start that again, praying as a couple, but it hasn't happened, yet.

5:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, that's scary Lisa. I'm sorry to hear that.
Rob and I find it's a good time to be together and end the day. Feels like at least I did something for God, even if I haven't thought of Him all day long, which is par for this course I'm on.
I'm so filled up with "me" lately -- realizing that this afternoon as I preened my new hair do in front of the mirror, applying make-up, as UN-usual, etc.
I'm not sure I'll make it to the tabernacle....well...maybe if I leave right NOW! Thanks, Lisa

12:13 PM  

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