Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Alexa's Challenge

Okay, if you visit http://ibetyourememberme.blogspot.com you'll see the challenge from Alexa to show your chest. Here is my medicine chest. Actually, it's not a chest at all, but a few shelves in my closet. I also have old videos on the bottom shelf, which I should get rid of as they are so old they probably don't even work anymore. I just recently went through that clear container on the third shelf down and threw out all of the old meds. See that urinal at the top? Hubby got that when he turned 30 as a gag gift. He hasn't had to use it, yet. The pink box beside the clear container? It's a pregnancy test. I always keep one handy. I think the last time I used one was about a year ago. I have always liked taking a pregnancy test. It's actually quite fun to see if I have enough aim to hit that little cup. I'm always amazed at how HOT pee is when it leaves the body. I only know this as I'm actually NOT so good at hitting that little cup. Okay, here's my challenge to YOU to take Alexa's challenge. Show her your chest!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lisa, dear, you are a neat nick! We are twins! But you beat me on tidy closets! Sorry I deleted the post on ya....

4:56 AM  
Blogger Lisa said...

Funny you should say so, because I looked at that and thought, "Gosh, I really should have straightened it up before I took the picture." Yes, I am a "neat nick" and this is why I'm going to have to stop blogging during the day. My house is not as it should be. I now know of true addiction! ha.

6:31 AM  

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