Wednesday, August 31, 2005


Okay, I'm feeling a little "invaded", if you will. I recently put the stat-counter on the blog, which counts each time someone reads here. I knew there were a few of you who would come to visit once in awhile, sometimes leaving a message, sometimes not. Some days there were no comments, so I thought that no one had been here that day. BUT, this stat-counter tells me different---did you see that number down there? Something like 132. Eeewwww! This is like someone is peeking in my windows or like the neighbor who comes to help after the baby is born and starts to fold my whites--embarrassing and gives me the creeps!

I always have had the inclination that I would write a book one day, and I've actually started several----getting to the middle of the first chapter and then having to feed, fold, and fluff, so never getting back to it. I wonder if this is how it would feel having others read my stories? I wonder if that Harry Potter lady who is so popular feels this way? Well, she HAS to be creepy, even if she doesn't feel that way----anyone to write like that has to have some type of CREEP about them! Let's see, what writers do I know??? Okay, let's take Mark Shea. I wonder if he gets creeped out by people reading his stuff? Maybe one day he'll visit here and he'll be able to answer that. You may say, "Well, you don't really KNOW him." But, I say to you-----he had supper at my house. I also know an author by the name of Roger Worley. He's my daughter's best friend's dad. He lives here in the same town as I. I might ask him. We've talked about publishing and writing and such, but never about getting the creeps when doing so! HA! I'm SURE this is only ME being a doofus, I realize this.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am here. I am reading and watching your every move...

9:02 PM  
Blogger Lisa said...

SEE??? Go away!! Go FAR, FAR away!! -----wink!-------

9:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are funny, Lisa. I guess some of us actually like knowing someone is actually interested in the stupid things we do. Like me! ;-)

6:43 AM  

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