Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Saint Day

Today is the Feast of St. Genevieve, my daughter's saint day.
My Kathryn Genevieve, may you grow with the strength of St. Genevieve. Her dedication to God, her purity, and her simple mortifications made her a beautiful woman. You, too, will one day be a beautiful woman, body and soul.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lisa, another change of colors and format? Is this like moving furniture around?

I look at your blog and your family and I'm so hopeful for liofe and happy that there are mothers like you. I'm a big fan of yours!

I just showed Sara the spiritual bouquet your family made. She was very touched and grateful!

6:12 PM  
Blogger Lisa said...

Hi, Hector. Yes! A new template! Don't you love it!! I LOVE it.

Thanks for the compliment about my mothering. I fail miserably very often, but do try to do my best.

I'm glad Sara liked the bouquet. But, more importantly, I'm glad she's is ABLE to like the bouquet. Know what I mean?


7:00 PM  
Blogger ukok said...


Waddya know, you've changed your template again!!! I really like this one...very, very much...lot's in fact.

God Bless.

9:08 AM  
Blogger Mairin :o) said...

I really like this new layout. It is really beautiful, and, odd to say, seems more like you.

And I really, really like that you have the Memorare in the lower left corner!!!

I love the Blessed Mother!

10:34 AM  
Blogger Lisa said...

Thanks, girls! I LOVE it, too! You know that I can take no credit for this myself, don't you? Alexa did ALL of this. The template, the Memorare, everything. You'll have to stop by Fingertales and let her know what a great job she did.

Ukok, did I mess up calling you Deb? After I wrote that, I quickly had a sinking feeling that I'd called you the wrong name. But, this is correct, no?

1:39 PM  
Blogger ukok said...

Lisa, that is indeed my birthname, though I am now Deborah Ann 'Bernadette' (my patron saint!) - if we want to get technical!

God Bless.

3:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa,
I like this one better. In the previous one, the decorations on the side encroached on the text to much unless you had the window just the right size. This one still tends to assume a fixed screen resolution of 1024x768 (or greater), otherwise scrollbars pop up and the body text is clipped. I only mention this because it's not uncommon for seniors and other vision impaired to have their screens set to 800x600. But hey, Alexa's learning...

Regarding your help in having a sidebar mini-blog, it's kind of tricky. I do it at my site, but it's a little easier to do in MovableType than Blogger or WordPress (Alexa's system).

3:40 AM  
Blogger Steve Bogner said...

Ever notice how women's blogs change templates every few months? Guys' blogs don't change much at all (when was the last time Hector or I changed our blog formats?)... it's just the nature of boys & girls! My wife will put five outfits on the bed, decide on one and put it on, then change it five minutes later. Or change part of it. I don't understand it, but accepted the practice long ago.

4:45 AM  
Blogger Lisa said...

Hi, Steve.

Well, I most definitely think that the changing goes along with hormone shifts. This is most true with clothing changes. Maybe it is survival of the species--changing keeps things interesting??? HA! I don't know.

I nominate you and Hector for a blog makeover!!!

5:59 AM  

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