Tuesday, August 09, 2005


I want to live in Wichita, Kansas. Please, if you have any good connections with God, pray for this for me. I have it all worked out in my mind, but Hubby seems to think it isn't the best thing. Yeah, yeah, yeah...................I know what you're going to say, but I don't want to hear that! ha. I just want to be there and I want you, my blogger friends, to pray for God's Will for this. I think it's so important to surround the family/kids with like-minded people, with Adoration (especially that in which is geared towards children), Daily Mass, etc. etc. etc. I will not say anymore other than these things are here, but families with small children feel that they are not welcome. This move that I want is not because of the thrill of a big city, the family that is there, nor the fact that the friends that we love most are there, too. It has to do with the wonderful things that the diocese has to offer my family. My 14yo said today that he wants to go to Catholic High School. Not many teens say that. You've seen my big house----I don't want it. You've seen the big yard---I don't want it. You haven't seen, but I have all I could ever need, except what my heart desires most. I'd also like a skinny back side, maybe you should pray for that too! ha.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you should click your heels together in a pair of red glittery shoes and close your eyes and say, "there's no place like kansas, there's no place like kansas..." ;-)

11:34 AM  
Blogger Lisa said...

HA! Hey, there IS a pair of red, glittery shoes in the house---maybe I'll try it! Better yet, I'll put them on Hubby's feet while he's asleep and click HIS heels together. I'll post a pic!! hahaha.

3:21 PM  

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