Thursday, September 13, 2007

Hi, Friends!!

Penni, Ukok, Scott, and Alexa----HI!!!

Penni, I'm glad you didn't give up on me. I wondered if my interest in the blogosphere would return, and sure enough it did. How have you been? Remind me what you did career wise. I remember it was something in the nursing field, right?

Ukok, how is my accented friend??? Did your mom ever join the Church? Fill me in!!!

Scott, how are the kids? How is that cute, skinny wife of yours? Thanks for dropping me a line.

Alexa, when I finally figured out how to get back to my blog, I looked for you for about an hour. Blog Search didn't turn up the "Alexa" I was looking for, so I gave up. I did say a little prayer that you might visit here and sure enough, once again, my prayer was answered! How are the boys???

How is Hector, does anyone know??

I'm having to reply to all of you with a post as when I tried to post a comment I kept getting a pop-up asking if I wanted to display secure and non-secure items. Nothing I clicked made that little box go away. AND, now all of you are remembering that I'm not too whippy on the computer, right??????

Thank you for stopping by and saying hello!!!! I'll be visiting your place very soon!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The five kids are all doin' well. My wife? Well... she's my wife. Thin, but fit with good muscle tone. What can you say... she teaches fitness classes a few times a week.

Actually... We have a neighbor who's going through a divorce who recently looks unhealthily skinny. I'm worried that she might be getting into OCD behavior with some sort of eating disorder. I saw her standing next to my wife and this woman looked 20-30 pounds less. Not a good look... Eat something! Please!

8:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, Lisa, you know me. If you don't find ME, I'll find YOU! :o)

Funny tho' that I did think of you too and typed in your URL (I always remembered your URL) and POOF! there's a post dated that same day! I thought it was a coincidence, but guess it was your prayer.

I don't know what the secure and non-secure items means... do you have a new computer? Maybe that's it?

The boys are fine - Rob and Roc. George has been living on his own for a year now! He's got a good job and even a girlfriend. So - as far as he's concerned, life is good!

Well, except that he still owes us some money - if it weren't for that, it'd be perfect! LOL

I DO like your haircut. Wish mine could be wavy like that. It looks SO cute.

God bless.

5:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lisa, not only did Mum join the Church in April 2006, but Dad was baptised Catholic at aged 67 years THIS April- (67 years an atheist and then a massive conversion!!!). He's taking RCIA now and will be fully received into the Church at Easter Vigil 2008. Now Girly, tell us all what you been doing with yourself!

3:22 PM  

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