Wednesday, September 14, 2005

My Mother

Today as I was returning home, early in the morning, from dropping off my oldest child at band, I was listening to my new CD, "The Best of Bread." You remember that, right? Well, this is one of the albums I grew up on and listening to it takes me back to my childhood. I can remember putting the record on the record player, nestling the needle just-so on that first black groove, and hoping that I didn't bump and scratch. I remember the feeling. I remember the sounds. I remember playing the music and dancing while I was dusting the furniture with Pledge. That was my job. I liked to dust---most kids do, I've found. Well, as I pulled into the garage, the song "Everything I Own" began to play. Immediately tears welled up in my eyes. I began to cry, shoulders heaving, head in hands----the whole bit. Why did this song grip me so today, I wondered? Well, it didn't take me long to figure it out. Tomorrow is my mom's feast day. She died 8 years ago----September 15, 1997. She was 44 years old. I was 27. I am an only child. I miss her still, so wonderfully. Wonderfully? Yes, that's the word I choose to use. It's wonderful as she touched me so deeply. She was wonderfully caring. Wonderfully generous. Wonderfully FUNNY!!! It's wonderful, as her life was so great, that I still miss her so much. The pain is less, yes, than it was after the immediate shock. But, the pain is still here, real, aching. The only pain I can think of that would be worse would be losing a child. Which, this is exactly what my grandparents had to feel when my mom died. I feel really bad for them. I remember my grandpa standing at the big window in the lobby of the intensive care unit. He knew mom was going to die----we all did. His broad shoulders were shaking. He was crying. It was not fun to see. As I sit here, tears streaming down my cheeks, nose so clogged that I cannot breathe, I have to stop and remember something I heard today at my daughters' school. This really puts things in perspective, and although I know my pain is real and justified, I also know that I'm a middle aged woman who can cope and know that my little sufferings will make me stronger. There is a small boy, a refugee I guess, who is now attending the elementary school here. I was in the office today, putting together notes for the kids ice cream social next week, and this little guy came in with a "stomach ache." Of course his stomach hurt------his mother has not been found, yet. His family was victim to Hurricane Katrina. This small child has bald spots on his head-------most likely from stress, twisting his hair for comfort. Yes, as I sit here, tears now have stopped. I can breathe via my right nostril. I can know that there are others out there who will suffer MUCH more than I, and this makes my heartache much more bearable. I'll pray for this little guy. I'll offer up my suffering for him, that he will be reunited with his mama. I'll ask my "St. Mom" to pray for him, too. She'll be good at it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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9:03 PM  
Blogger ~pen~ said...

this was a very touching post - i will pray for the little guy, too.

it's amazing, my mom is still alive but i never see her, never call as much as i'd like because she doesn't avail herself to me like i had always hoped she would when i was growing up. come to think of it, she wasn't *there* then, either.

just allows me to still love her through her junk and vow not to be like her with my adult children (or my young ones, now...)


(sorry for your spam comment, above. how do they find us??)

6:22 AM  
Blogger Suzanne said...

It is okay to let it out ... it truly is. I lost my mother about 7 years ago and she was beautiful in her soul too. We were blessed and we must carry them on...that is what they would like.

I also pray for this precious little boy! St. Anthony this is something big! Please if at all this boy find his momma! Please Lord..listen to our prayers if it is in Your Holy Will.
When you see that little boy, would you please give him a hug for me? Thank you. God bless.

7:02 AM  
Blogger Cath said...

Lisa, You are a very strong person. You wrote "I also know that I'm a middle aged woman who can cope and know that my little sufferings will make me stronger". Realizing that when you are suffering is a great thing. There are so many little ones in the same situation as that young boy. They need all the prayers they can get. I am truly sorry about your mom.

7:43 AM  
Blogger Lisa said...

Sure, anonymous, I'll support your "adult personals"---with a big, adult dose of "GO AWAY!!"
Thanks, Penni, Suzanne, and Cath for the nice comments. I'd love to hug that little guy myself. I've been thinking of him so much these past two days. If I get the chance, I'll give him an extra squeeze for you. Blessings, friends!

8:04 AM  
Blogger Steve Bogner said...

My dad died 11 years ago, after a long battle with parkinson's disease; and my mom died two years ago from too many smokes and a bad heart. Sometimes it is still rough - around Christmas time in particular...

11:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lisa, this morning I took a cab from my hotel to Heathrow airport. I was looking for a phone number and I stoped cold when I saw the name and phone number of my grandfather. I did not even know that I had his number in my phone. He died last year around this week. Then while waiting on line to check in I wondered if I could access my blog through the internet connection of my phone. I could! I then linked from my blog to yours and read this post. I almost drop the phone! I attempted to leave a comment but it wouldn't save. Can you believe that!!

Regarding your mom, I'm glad that she made such an impact in your life. These are the kind of tears worth sheding... based on intense love and fully living. I'm so glad I have had the chance to "virtually" know you... you have such a big heart.

1:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I lost my father 6 years ago and it seems that I have lost a part of my mother with him--she is not the same without him. His voice is still on my mom's answering machine at home and sometimes hearing it makes me break down.

Now about Bread--my Mom knows the lead singer--he lives in Tulsa. I used to love "The Guitar Man" when I was little!

1:54 PM  
Blogger Milf said...

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7:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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4:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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5:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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2:44 PM  

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