Sunday, October 09, 2005

Sunday at My House

Today was a very nice day here. The temp held in the 60's.
First, the family and I went to Mass at 9:30am, then we all went to RE (Religious Education.) I co-teach the 2nd grade, like I've said before, and at the same time, some of my kiddos attend their own classes. The boys (Hubby and our two sons) went grocery shopping while the rest of us were in RE. We all met back at home for a quick lunch, then it was off to a soccer game.
Next, we returned home and the kids played, some of the family watched the NASCAR race, and I decluttered the computer desk and a bookshelf as I was looking for an important paper-----never found it. Then, we all went outside to play. I surprised the kids by getting my bulk onto the trampoline. I am POSITIVE I helped the neighbors have a good Sunday, too!! I was laughing just thinking of what I must look like. I actually think older people, (anyone above age, let's say, 14) in general, look absolutely idiotic on a trampoline. The bounce and the motion to move the legs just don't coordinate anymore. There's sompin' 'bout it, just ain't pretty. We had a family football game----4 on 4. I think my team won, but I'm not sure. Hubby prepared some things on the back of the house. He might start painting it tomorrow. We found a dead snake and caught a huge spider in a jar. A GREAT day!! After we grabbed a bite for supper, the two oldest kiddos went to their RE class. Finally, it was baths and bedtime.

Time to start another week! Here's what I have planned for supper this week:
1) Taco Salad 2) Grilled Salmon 3) Vegetable Soup 4) Hamburgers on Grill 5) Chicken 6)Potato Soup 7)Sunday is the meal at Grandma's. These are in no particular order. My true desire is to have meatless Fridays, but that doesn't always happen.

I have a luncheon on Tuesday and besides that, it's just crazy as usual.

What's up with you this week?


Blogger Mairin :o) said...

I think you are correct about the trampoline and age. The last time I got on one I thought I was going to wet my pants.

mmmm.. don't know why I felt the need to mention that. ahahahaha.

3:22 PM  
Blogger Lisa said...

Child of Mary, I've added you to my blogroll. I'm curious as to how you'd like to be addressed. Child of Mary seems so long, yet beautiful. :0) seems like I'm calling addressing you like the media addressed Prince for awhile. What's your name???????

3:50 PM  
Blogger Steve Bogner said...

My week....

Monday - Work until 7, cook dinner for the kids and put a plate in the frig for my wife (who was at a Toastmasters meeting)

Tuesday - Work until 7, pick-up the boys from soccer practice. Go home & cook dinner, do homework, pay bills & etc

Wednesday - Work until 7 (sound familiar?), pick up older boy at soccer practice. Cook & do chores again. I like to cook though.

Thursday - Off from work early so I can attend board meeting for the local pro-life pregnancy counseling center (I'm the chairperson). Get home around 8:30 and hopefully find a plate in the frig.

Friday - Work in my home office until I just can't take it any longer. I work a lot, it seems. Might jump on the trampoline with the boys when they come home from school. Rent some movies & order pizza.

Weekend - 3 soccer games, church, relaxation, honey-do's and so on.

2:01 PM  
Blogger Lisa said...

Steve, you sound like the ideal husband! Your wife is very blessed. My husband can cook, umm, okay I'm really trying to think, ummm, can cook, ummm.........get the picture? Maybe you should post some "manly" recipes on your blog. I'm sure many husbands (and wives) could benefit from your experience! So, no problems on the trampoline at your age? It must be an aged woman thing! ha.

2:25 PM  
Blogger Steve Bogner said...

Lisa, a while back I was posting some foody-stuff in a category Food & Wine - I'll probably do more of that as the cold weather sets in (which means I cook more/better stuff).

The trampoline is fun! But we have no neighbors standing by to watch, so that may make a difference. Still, my wife rarely joins the kids to bounce around a bit. Maybe it's a mom-thing?

6:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lisa, as I read your posts I wish I was there with you. Your kids are so lucky to have both of you as parents. Ypu forgot to say something about your menu... which ones under $10! God bless you!

8:16 PM  
Blogger Lisa said...

Thanks, Hector. I changed hamburgers on the grill to BBQ chicken on the grill and that meal cost me approx $12.00. The taco salad cost about $12.75, and this was because I "upgraded" and we had the salad in the edible taco bowls, but it sure was yummy! I'll be able to grill the salmon and make both soups, veggie and potato, for under $10. Expecially the potato soup---the inexpense of that will outweigh what I spent on the first two meals of the week. Anyway, ramble, ramble, ramble, that's what I do best! ha.

6:37 AM  
Blogger Lori said...

I too jump about twice on the trampoline and, ahem have to get to the bathroom real quick! Meals at this house this week has been leftover tacos, barbeque chicken, chili, and I'm going to Wal-Mart today to figure out the rest. Hamburgers sound good.


7:45 AM  
Blogger Mairin :o) said...

...hhmmm.. never thought about the Prince/symbol thing. Funny. Yeah, I'll pass on the notion of be associated w/him.. even if he is from Minnesota. Mary or coM works for me. Or, you may email me:

Thanks for the honor of adding me to your blog roll. I think you and crazyacres are the only ones to have read my blog.

3:31 PM  

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